P1 Registration Week


P1 Registration week takes place from 6th – 10th January 2025. Parents/carers of children who will be five years old on or before 28 February 2026 and are due to start school in August 2025 should complete the online school enrolment form for academic year 2025/2026 which can be found on the PKC website.

If you have recently moved to Perth and Kinross and need to enrol your child at their catchment primary or secondary school for starting in August 2025 you can also complete this form.

Please note that you will need to provide 1) your child’s birth certificate, 2) you current Council Tax bill, and 3) a recent utility bill. If you require more information please feel free to contact us at TCSOAContact@pkc.gov.uk for more information.

Although it is usual for children to attend their local catchment area school, you have the right to make a placing request asking that your child be granted a place in a school other than your local catchment area school.

Further information can be found at: https://www.pkc.gov.uk/article/21194/School-enrolment