Additional Year in ELC
Choosing your child’s entry date for school – Information for Parents and Carers
This information is intended to help you make an informed choice about when your child should start primary school by answering some of the most frequently asked questions we receive.
Throughout this document, the word ‘parent’ should be interpreted as including the child’s legal guardian.
The term ‘setting’ should be interpreted as any Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) provision which could include a local authority nursery, a partner provider nursery or a funded childminder.
All information in this document relates to the school year commencing August 2024. The school commencement date in 2024 is August 14th.
Some Frequently Asked Questions
Will my child start primary one before or after their 5th birthday?
Children who are five on or between 1 March and the school commencement date in August must legally start school in August or parents can make arrangements to home educate their child.
Parents of any child with a 5th birthday on or between the day after the school commencement date in August and the last day in February of the following year have the legal right to choose whether they will start school before or after their 5th birthday.
This is sometimes called deferring. If parents, with a child in this age group, choose for their child to start school after their 5th birthday their child will be automatically entitled to an additional year of 1140 hours of funded ELC.
Alternatively, parents can decide to home educate their child or make other suitable arrangements for their education, e.g. enrolling them at an independent school. Please note: ELC does not constitute primary education.
Outline of school intake and eligibility for an additional year of ELC
Children who have their 5th birthday on or after the first day of term in August (14th) up until the last day of February, are entitled to defer entry to school should their parents wish it and can access funding for a further year of 1140 hours of Early Learning & Childcare. This is guaranteed through funding from the Scottish Government for places for these children.
Children who have their 5th birthday between the first day of March 2024 and the start of term in August are NOT automatically entitled to have a deferred year and must enter into primary one or be educated at home from 14th August 2024.
Where a child’s 5th birthday
falls on or between the following dates:
The child will cease to be eligible for ELC from:
Starting school and stopping ELC
1st March 2024 and the 13th August 2024
August occurring in the year of their 5th birthday
Children must start school in August the same year they turn 5.
Alternatively, suitable arrangements e.g. home schooling should be made for the child’s education.
14th August 2024 and 28th February 2025
August 2025
Children can start school in August 2024 or August 2025.
Entitlement to an additional year of Early Learning and Childcare continues and is funded by the Scottish Government.
If my child will have their birthday between August and February and is therefore eligible for an additional year of ELC but I am considering sending my child to school instead, what should I do?
You should discuss your thoughts with staff in your child’s ELC setting. Staff will meet with you to discuss your child’s learning and development. Advised by the information shared you will be able to make your decision about if your child should start school or access an additional year of ELC.
If you choose for your child to have an additional year of funded ELC you should complete an online application form to retain your child’s current place and attendance pattern for their pre-school year, or to change to a different attendance pattern. To access ELC in a different funded provider you will be required to complete an application form.
If you decide that your child will start school, you should complete the school enrolment form. (Please note the school enrolment form will be available to complete from week commencing 9 January 2024).
For parents that are still undecided as to whether their child will remain in ELC or begin primary one in August, we advise you to apply for both an ELC and school place and inform us at a later date when you have made a final decision.
When do I need to finalise my decision whether my child will start school in August or access an additional year of ELC?
Ideally decisions should be finalised by 15 March. You should either complete the school enrolment form if your child is starting primary one or notify the ELC setting that you wish your child to have another year of funded ELC. This will allow children to be appropriately involved in transition activities if they are moving on to school. It will also enable decisions to be made about staffing in primary one classes and capacities in ELC settings for the following academic year. If you are unsure, you should notify the ELC setting and at the same time register your child for primary school to ensure a space is held for them should you change your mind. Every effort will be made to give your child a place in the ELC setting of your choice, but this cannot be guaranteed. Places will be allocated according to Perth and Kinross Council Policy and Guidelines for Admission to Nursery Classes and Early Childhood Centres.
Will my child cope with primary one?
Primary schools are very well equipped to meet a wide range of needs. Additional supports are put in place at transition from nursery to primary one to ensure individual children’s needs are met in a supportive learning context. e.g. use of visual supports to aid communication; support for toileting and other self-care needs; playground supports; active learning opportunities; buddies etc. The staff at your child’s ELC setting will be happy to discuss these possibilities with you. You can also approach the headteacher of your catchment school for information.
If I choose to home educate my child for their first year of education can my child start primary one the following year?
Children home educated in the year that they are able to enter primary one would begin in primary two the following year should parents then opt to send their child to school. Further information is available on the Perth and Kinross website Home Education – A Parent’s Choice – Perth & Kinross Council
Is there anything I need to consider or be aware of if I choose an additional year of ELC for my child rather than send them to school?
It is important to consider your child’s school career from nursery to secondary school and beyond. For example, by sending your child to school a year later your child will legally have the option to leave secondary school before sitting their National Examinations. Further information on deferral and accessing and additional year of ELC can be found at Can my child defer starting school? | Parent Club. If you wish to discuss any information in this leaflet, please do not hesitate to contact a member of staff at your child’s ELC setting. Staff will be aware of the Policy and Guidelines for Admission to Nursery Classes and Early Childhood Centres and can advise you further.
Discuss child’s progress with ELC staff. Begin decision making.
January – March
Ideally make final decision to allow appropriate transitions
arrangements to take place.
Inform ELC setting if you wish your child to have an additional year of funded ELC or complete enrolment for school.
March – June
Planned experiences to support children moving on to
school with transition.