School Uniform
All Pupils are expected to wear school uniform.
Wearing school uniform is an indication that pupils share a sense of belonging to and pride in their school and that they accept the school’s code and standards of behaviour.
Uniform emphasises the fact that pupils will be treated equally and serves as an aid to the security of pupils within and indeed out with the school grounds. It also eliminates peer pressure to dress in the latest designer clothing.
We hold sales of pre-loved uniform throughout the year.
Uniform does not mean that a pupil’s individuality will be suppressed in any way.

Primary Uniform
In primary, our children and young people are expected to wear their school uniform as detailed below except on days when they have PE. You should already be aware of which days your child has PE, and on these days, they should wear their PE kit to maximise time for learning by avoiding having to get changed.
Primary uniform is as follows:
• White Polo Shirt (with or without a school logo).
• Royal Blue School Jumper (P1-P6) or Black School Jumper (P7) with school logo.
• Royal Blue Cardigan (with or without school logo)
• Black school trousers, skirt, culottes, or tailored shorts.
• Smart black shoes with black socks/tights.
For PE, children in primary should wear:
• Royal blue polo shirt (with or without school logo).
• Black shorts/joggers.
• Grey hooded sweatshirt (with school logo – optional).
Primary children should bring a pair of indoor shoes (gym shoes) which are kept in school.
Secondary Uniform
Following a recent consultation with young people, parents/carers and staff, it was agreed that our traditional school uniform would remain in place.
Secondary Uniform is therefore as follows:
• A white shirt that can be buttoned to the top.
• A school tie (available to buy from the school office).
• A black V-neck jumper or cardigan with or without TCSoA logo.
• Black school trousers, skirt, culottes, or tailored shorts.
• Smart black shoes with black socks/tights.
• Prefects should wear a blazer with appropriate braiding.
The following items should not be worn:
• Leggings (these can be worn for PE but not as part of our formal school uniform).
• Jeans (even if they are on sale in the ‘school wear’ section).
• Denim jackets, hoodies, or jumpers with branding.
• Trainers or black shoes with white banding at the bottom/white laces.
We ask that all shirts are buttoned to the top with the school tie worn smartly. As stated above, we also ask that the only jumpers worn are plain, black, V-neck jumpers. Jumpers with sports or fashion logos/branding should not be worn.
For PE, young people should bring:
- Plain t-shirt (white or royal blue)
- Plain black shorts / track suit bottoms /
leggings / ¾ lengths - Clean indoor trainers
- Plain black/light grey sports jumper or
plain hoodie. - Waterproof sports jacket.
- Outdoor trainers / football boots.
- Towel to dry off in case of rain.
- Bag to put dirty kit in.
It is recommended that on days when young people have PE timetabled, they always bring indoor kit with them. PE teachers will advise as appropriate, however in cases of adverse weather plans may need to change meaning indoor areas are used instead.
Please be reassured that any conversation regarding school uniform will be respectful and sensitive to the varying circumstances families currently find themselves in.
Help with the Cost of School Uniform
You may be able to get financial help with your child’s school clothing and shoes. This help is called a ‘school clothing grant’. For those who qualify, at least £120 (primary) or £150 (secondary) will be made available. Applications for this (and free school meals) can be made via the Perth and Kinross Council website (link below).