Rotary Competitions 2025

2025 Rotary Comps

Rotary Competition Opportunity – Young Writer, Young Photographer, Young Artist Deadline 31st January.

We have a really supportive Rotary organisation in Auchterarder who organise annual competitions for our young people. Many of our pupils have gone onto have great success at District, Regional and National level within the Rotary organisation, so it is well worth entering. Opportunities like this are fantastic for building up skills and confidence, developing CVs, and supporting your local community. Last year, the Auchterarder Picture House Crew generously framed and showcased the pieces in the Aytoun Hall Art Exhibition – Rotary/APC are hoping to do this again this again towards the end of February/ early March, giving the youngsters a great opportunity to share their talents within the community. Winners from each age category Junior (Up to and including 10yrs.) / Intermediate (11-13 yrs.) / Senior (14 – 17yrs) go on to the District competition which is a fantastic opportunity.

The theme this year is “The Wonder of Water”. You child can write, photograph or create a piece of art work that represents this theme and enter into the competition – deadline 31st January.

Next steps: If your child would like to enter any of the Rotary competitions, please complete and sign the attached form and return it to : or hand in a hard copy to Mrs Murch. I will have a few hard copies printed, should you need a spare. Photography files and written work should be sent to Art work can be handed to Secondary Art teachers, the school office or Mrs Murch as long as the pupil name, date of birth and class are clearly written on the reverse. All entries (forms and competition entries) should be handed in by 31st January.

Rotary Auchterarder & District Website